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Loony Toons Elizabeth Warren – My papa had high cheekbones like all of the Indians do (Video)

square-large-looneyWait a minute. I thought conservative women like Sarah Palin were supposed to be stupid and the loony toons according to the pink slime media and so called “educated” progressive liberal hacks. I’m no fan of Scott Brown, I think he is basically Olympia Snowe with a dong between his legs, but i’d still take him over this loony bin Elizabeth Warren. You know, the so called brilliant and educated progressive liberal Warren declared she’s a “Native American.” It turned out her great, great grandmother had a little Cherokee in here. Warren’s great, great granny’s name was Sarah Smith. Sounds really Cherokee doesn’t it? The loony bin Elizabeth Warren had another is now claiming she’s a Native American because he “papa had high cheekbones like all Indians do.” WTF is next for Warren? Is she going to come out in a feather head dress and address the crowd with “how.?”

Being that Warren is running for Senate in far left Massachusetts, her loony bin status may actually help her.