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41% of net new jobs in November were in government

thomas-perez-labor-secretary-radical-leftistObama regime is fudging the job numbers again. Despite only 203,000 jobs added in November (with all the Holiday shopping hires), the unemployment rate magically fell from 7.3% to 7.0%. The reports about the Obama regime fudging the job numbers last year before the election doesn’t seem too far fetched now. Of all the net job created in November, 41% of those jobs were in government, not the private sector.

Federal, state and local governments hired a net additional 338,000 workers in November, equaling 41 percent of the total of 818,000 net additional jobs created in the United States during the month.

At the same time, the unemployment rate for government workers fell from 4.4 percent in October to 3.2 percent in November. (The overall national unemployment rate fell from 7.3 percent to 7.0 percent.)