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Obama tanks to lowest ever approval rating in Fox News D+6 poll

obamas_fly_2Slip slidin’ away. Obama has fallen to 38% in the latest Fox News poll, his lowest approval rating ever recorded. Of course leftists will try and claim ‘oh it’s Fox News, it’s biased and racist.’ Bad news for the left is that this a scientific poll, compressed of 40% Democrats and 34% Republicans. Obama is even tanking among Democrats. Only 71% of those polled approve of the job he’s doing, the lowest ever recorded among Democrats. Republicans as you would expect give Obama low marks. But the key to this poll is the independents. Obama’s approval ratings among non-affilated voters stands at a meager 28%.

On the economy, health care and foreign policy, it gets over worse for Obama. Gee, I can’t imagine why that would be could you?

No amount of Bill O’Reilly’s constant ass kissing of Obama and those in regime could save him in this poll.

In even more bad news for progressives (Republicans this time) is that most people polled don’t think Krispy Kreme Chris Christie would make a good president. Fat boy is done.

President Obama’s job approval rating hits a record low this week, as a majority of Americans say his administration has mostly failed at growing the economy, creating jobs, improving health care and the country’s image.

That’s according to a Fox News poll released Wednesday.

For the first time in a Fox News poll, fewer than four voters in ten — 38 percent — approve of President Obama’s job performance. Fifty-four percent disapprove. Before now Obama’s worst job rating was 40-55 percent in November 2013. Last month 42 percent approved and 53 percent disapproved (February 2014).