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Judge Jeanine accuses VA Sec. Eric Shinseki of negligent homicide (Video)

Judge Jeanine was on fire tonight, accusing corrupt VA Secretary of negligent homicide in the latest Obama regime scandal at the VA. Watch the following video of Judge Jeanine tearing Shinseki a new asshole.

“You call veterans facing certain death, refused medical care by VA personnel who then create false records so that they can pocket a bonus an ‘adverse incident’? It’s not an adverse incident, General. It’s a homicide. A criminally negligent homicide.”

Judge Jeanine accuses VA Sec. Eric Shinseki of negligent homicide
Judge Jeanine accuses VA Sec. Eric Shinseki of negligent homicide

Obama never gets rid of his lackeys. You’ll also notice a pattern from Shinseki use the typical Obama ‘tough guy’ line of ‘unacceptable’ when corruption in the regime is exposed. Of course nothing ever happens.

I like Judge Jeanine. She is one of the few left at Fox News who tells it like it is no matter who gets affected, like Megyn Kelly. Bill O’Reilly has been firmly up Obama’s ass since he became president and Vanity Hannity is so far up Karl Rove’s ass, that he can orobably see Rove’s bald head through his ass.

Obama is the most lawless president in American history. And he continues to get away with crap like this because of the pitiful, American state run media who don’t cover ANYTHING bad when it comes to their messiah Obama.