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House RINOs to ram through amnesty before August recess

Now that the country is distracted with deserter Bowe Bergdahl and the Taliban dream team, the RINOs are back to pimping amnesty for passage before the August recess:

House RINOs to ram through amnesty before August recess
House RINOs to ram through amnesty before August recess

Forget for a second the millions of illegal Mexicans that people always focus on with amnesty. How about all these Muslim terrorists (including Taliban members) who will get citizenship in this country? Can’t wait…

The immigration reform effort in the House is gaining traction and momentum, according to Florida Republican Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart.
In an interview with Roll Call published Wednesday, the Florida Republican said his bipartisan immigration reform effort is gaining Republican supporters and that believes the House will pass something before the August recess.
“Every day I’m getting more and more Republicans — conservatives — who are frankly approaching me saying, ‘How do we move forward?’ I feel very very confident that a majority — a strong majority — of Republicans want to finally tackle this system that everyone understands is broken — with some caveats,” he told CQ Roll Call. “Republicans are insisting that we take this step-by-step.”
Diaz-Balart has been an inveterate optimist on chances for legislative action on immigration since the issue gained currency following the 2012 elections. Still, with the Capitol abuzz with rumors about secretive immigration talks, his remarks are significant.
According to Diaz-Balart, he and others have not been deterred from their efforts by election year, anti-amnesty rhetoric from House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and a recent revelation from House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte that he is “not aware of any such decisions” to bring immigration reform to the floor before August recess.