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Another Hillary Clinton scandal: Pay-to-Play

Turns out the e-mails being on a private server may not even be the main part of this latest Hillary Clinton scandal. It seems that the Clinton Foundation’s pay-to-play may be the real scandal here. The Hillary private e-mails represent a national security scandal. This pay-to-play Clinton scandal may involve foreign donations to the Clinton foundation be used basically as bribes for favors from the Clinton. At least that’s what National Journal, a left wing blog claims.

Another Hillary Clinton scandal: Pay-to-Play
Another Hillary Clinton scandal: Pay-to-Play

Under fire, Bill Clinton said his namesake charity has “done a lot more good than harm”—hardly a ringing endorsement. One of his longest-serving advisers, a person who had worked directly for the foundation, told me the “longtime whispers of pay-to-play are going to become shouts.”

This person, a Clinton loyalist and credible source, has no evidence of wrongdoing but said the media’s suspicions are warranted. “The emails are a related but secondary scandal,” the source said. “Follow the foundation money.”

Is the foundation clean? Is it corrupt? Or is the truth in the muddy middle, where we so often find the Clintons? Due to the fact that Hillary Clinton chose to skirt federal regulations and house her State Department emails on an off-the-books server, even the most loyal Democrat can’t honestly answer those questions without an independent vetting of her electronic correspondence.

Without those emails, we may never be able to follow the money. Could that be why she hasn’t coughed up the server?

The whole Clinton machine slimy. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think the Clintons were Chicago politicians. Will, Hillary Clinton is from Chicago, so I guess it’s in her blood.