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Bernie Sanders to sue DNC?

So Bernie Sanders is threatening to sue the DNC because of them favoring Hillary Clinton. What took so long for the old man to wake up to reality? Why do you think Debbie Wasserman-Schultz scheduled only four debate, and some of them weekends when no one will watch.

Feel the bern Debbie and Hillary. Hey Bernie old man, run third party! Please! That’ll show those DNC douchebags for trying to sabotage your campaign! Let them really feel the bern!

Bernie Sanders to sue DNC?

Of course the media ignores the Democrat clown show between Hillary and Sanders. Instead, it’s all Trump, Trump and Trump.

We all know how this will play out though. Bernie Sanders is an old, white pussy. He will make nice, nice with Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wassermann-Schultz and just fade away. We’ve seen this script before.