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Malheur National Wildlife Refuge protest media bias

#OregonUnderAttack is a trending topic by leftists on Twitter to describe Malheur National Wildlife Refuge protest. This is just one example of the left’s bias. The same asswipes who cringe at calling Muslim terrorists, terrorists are quick to label these protesters terrorists for occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The protesters, labeled as ‘militia’ by the left wing media is having a field day with this. Here is a perfect example of the bias by leftists when it comes to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge vs something like Black Lives Matter thugs:

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge protest media bias
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge protest media bias

We get it leftists. The only type of protests allowed, especially in leftist cesspool Oregon are the ones that you approve of. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge protesters be damned.

If this ‘occupation’ turns violent, the left will have blood on their hands yet again for encouraging protests to get violent. Look no further than black lives matter and Occupy Wall Street.