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Obama-Jarrett apologize to Iran

Obama apologized to Iran for taking ten America Navy sailors hostage. This in addition to giving Iran $150 billion within in the coming days as a part of the joke of a nuke deal. As if it wasn’t bad enough that Iran basically took ten US Navy sailors hostage right? Now it turns out that Iran is bragging all over the world about it, posting pictures and videos embarassing the American Navy. And Obama apologizes to Iran. What the hell?

Obama-Jarrett apologize to Iran
Obama-Jarrett apologize to Iran

Of course there are no American media reports of Obama apologizing to Iran for them taking ten American sailors hostages. Only BBC seems to be covering this outrageous story. Who the fuck does Obama think he is? A future Mullah of Iran?

Turns out when comparing Jimmy Carter to Obama, Carter would be one of the best presidents we ever had, if you only compared those two dopes. Apologoizing to Iran for them taking ten American Navy hostages really gets my blood pressure up. Fuck you Obama and Valerie Jarrett!

Oh BTW, Iran is still holding four Americans hostage. These Americans should have been freed at the very least when the dumb ass Obama regime gave Obama the farm with the Iran nuke deal. They are still held captive. Unreal.