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CNN anti-Trump leftists now throwing around N-word

Yesterday, CNN had a chyron questioning if Jews were actually people. Today, they had a lily-white trash anti-Trump. Apparently, not only is CNN cool with asking if Jews are really people, but they are fine with carelessly throwing around the N-Word and lying in the process. Charles Kaiser lied when he claimed Steve Bannon using the N-Word. LifeZette has found that no such quote with the word attributed to Bannon exists, and there is no evidence he has ever used the word. So not only is CNN using anti-Semitic and racial slurs, they are spreading lies while they allow it. This is why CNN is in the gutter with the rest of the media.

CNN anti-Trump leftists now throwing around N-word
CNN anti-Trump leftists now throwing around N-word

>Neither Bannon nor Breitbart has given a platform to Spencer or his organization, nor do they endorse white nationalism or white supremacy. The idea that Breitbart, an organization which employs several prominent Jewish conservatives, in any way condones neo-Nazism in any form is utterly ridiculous.

As preposterous as Baldwin’s statements were, they followed author and former New York Times journalist Charles Kaiser’s claim that Bannon used the N-word. Apparently wishing to be offensive as possible, Kaiser made no effort to censor the offensive word and said it live, on the air.

“If you don’t want to support the Alt-Right, don’t choose as a White House counselor a man who uses the word n****r,” author Charles Kaiser said, referring to Bannon. “Wow,” a visibly shocked Baldwin responded.

This is CNN…