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Chucky Schumer getting mad Republicans promoting Warren as face of Democrats

Be-careful Republicans. You might make uncle Chuck Schumer cry again. He’s getting frustrated that Republicans are promoting crazy fake injun Elizabeth Warren to be the face of the Democrat party. Even idiots like Schumer know that Elizabeth Warren may work in coastal states and ghettos for Democrats, but she is widely hated by everyone outside the leftist bubble.

Chucky Schumer getting mad Republicans promoting Warren as face of Democrats
Chucky Schumer getting mad Republicans promoting Warren as face of Democrats

But it’s so much fun! Some puzzled over Mitch McConnell’s decision to silence Elizabeth Warren in the Senate’s overnight debate on Jeff Sessions’ confirmation as Attorney General, effectively promoting her otherwise unremarkable speech and transforming her into a leader of the Democratic “resistance.” The reaction of red-state Democrats has McConnell looking as crazy as a fox, as Chuck Schumer wants Republicans to stop using their Jedi mind tricks on them

What prompted this retort? The NRSC is rolling out digital ad campaigns in states where incumbent Democrats face votes who put Donald Trump in the White House. They clearly want to make Warren the face of the Democratic Party:

That’s precisely why Republicans want to make Elizabeth Warren the face of the Democratic Party. And if Democrats keep contributing to the elite-hysteria meltdowns in their coastal and urban enclaves with calls for impeachment and a 25th Amendment removal, the more her strident progressivism will dominate everywhere else in the country. Small wonder Schumer’s trying to distance the party from its own rising progressive star.

Warren-Allahu Ackbar Ellison 2020!