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Kim Dotcom knew Seth Rich, statement coming Tuesday

Isn’t it amazing how once the Seth Rich story broke early this week, the flood of White House leaks started being put out by the Washington Post and New York Times? The timing was more than just coincidental. Kim Dotcom tweeted that he knew Seth Rich was involved with Wikileaks, and that Kim Dotcom was even involved in the leaking of DNC and John Podesta the molesta e-mails.

Kim Dotcom knew Seth Rich, statement coming Tuesday
Kim Dotcom knew Seth Rich, statement coming Tuesday

Kim Dotcom is meeting with his legal team on Monday, and will issue a statement on Seth Rich and the leaks on Tuesday of the coming week:

if Kim Dotcom’s statement is going to be a big one on Tuesday, then expect another huge flood of Washington Post and New York Times leaks to try and knock out Kim Dotcom’s story off any news coverage. There is more to this Seth Rich murder and sudden flood of White House leaks than we know. The truth will come out eventually.